Free Virtual Background Resources and Ideas

If you’re current WFH space is your closet, the clothes hanging behind you is not the impression you want to portray.  If you’re sitting at the kitchen table, the stack of dishes on the counter behind you isn’t helping to send a professional image. If you’re Saint Bernard keeps coming to look at you through the window just over your shoulder, your client might think it’s cute — but it will become a distraction after a while.

Virtual backgrounds can help you convey the right perceptions when you go online. But, do yourself a favor and resist the urge to use the standard background that comes with your favorite virtual meeting application. Why? Because everyone else is using the same images and it looks like people are all working from the same 28th floor office that overlooks the city below. 

Here are some quick — and FREE — sources for creating your own background.

1). Online Resources for Free Images.   There are dozens of sites that have images for downloading. You can spend the money to purchase photos and the permission to use them, or you can find just-the-right image on sites that offer the pics royalty-free. Some of the “free” sites will have watermarks on the images and you will be required to give your email address to download the image without the mark.  My favorite sites don’t play the watermark game and you can show your appreciation by giving the photographer credit when you use the pic.  Here are three excellent sources we use — Canva, Unsplash, Pexels, and Pixabay.

2). Your Own Smartphone Camera!  The quality of your smartphone camera can create an image that is perfect for your background.  Get creative and take a few photos of spaces that convey the image you want on your screen. The photos could be of an office space or a view of your favorite park. Want to get really creative? Experiment with that camera and get up close to different patterns in a painting on your wall or the leaves of beautiful plant in your yard. Make sure that the photos aren’t blurry.  They could turn out to be a wonderful, one-of-a-kind background that people will find interesting.

3). Don’t Use a Virtual Background Image.  If the space behind you is clean and won’t potentially embarrass you — use it.  On the other hand, keep it simple and hang some fabric or a sheet a couple of feet behind your seat. Darker colors are better.

Remember — the point of the virtual meeting is that people see YOU and not get distracted by what is behind you.

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4 Places to Spend Your $$$ on Virtual Backgrounds


Don’t Demand, Command